Annual General Meeting 2014
The Annual General Meeting of Raiffeisen Bank International AG for the business year 2013 took place on 4 June 2014 at 10:00 am.
Austria Center Vienna (ACV)
Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1
1220 Vienna
Meeting details
Declaration by the Candidates for Election to the Supervisory Board pursuant to § 87 sec. 87 para. 2 of the Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz) and sec. 41 para. 4 sub-para. 3 of the Banking Act (Bankwesengesetz)
Please send your deposit certificate to following SWIFT address of the Company: RZBAATWWXXX
Message Type MT598; please add in the wording in field 20 "AGM RBI" as well as in field 77E in case of shares ISIN “AT0000606306” and in case of participation certificates “ISIN AT0000A0D915, AT0000A0D907, AT0000A0D8Z1, AT0000A0D8Y4, AT0000A0D8X6, AT0000A0D8W8, AT0000A0D8V0, AT0000A0DF47, AT0000A0DF39, AT0000A0DF21