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Rates for Auto FX Conversions of Securities Transactions

Current Rates

Euro real-time rates for trading, delivery, and legal transactions are used for securities settlements where the currency of the settlement account differs from the trading currency of the security. 

*does not apply to the Raiffeisen Banking Group Oberösterreich 

Historical Rates

For historical Euro rates for trading, delivery, and legal transactions where the currency of the settlement account differed from the trading currency of the security, the opening, closing, highest, and lowest rates for the buy and sell sides for the selected trading day are displayed. 

*does not apply to the Raiffeisen Banking Group Oberösterreich 


The determination of Euro real-time spot rates is carried out by Raiffeisen Bank International during business hours on bank days from Monday to Friday between 07:00 and 22:45, considering the RBI holiday calendar for corporate clients and the respective currency holidays of the currencies to be converted. If the securities transaction is executed outside of business hours, a real-time spot rate will be requested at the next possible time (e.g., the following bank day at 07:30) and used for settlement. The buy and sell reference rates are based on the determined interbank spot rates and include a risk adjustment against the top of book price (highest bid and lowest ask price) of the interbank market, justified by the fact that the rate applies to all transaction sizes (e.g., in EUR/USD up to 100 million) and value dates (t+0, t+1, t+2). Since foreign exchange rates are subject to continuous change, the rates displayed in the publication refer to the respective time of the rate query. Please note the time indication of the publication. The foreign exchange rate and any applicable costs used for your securities transaction are visible on the confirmation of your Raiffeisenbank. For questions regarding exchange rates, please contact your Raiffeisenbank. The Euro real-time spot rates are to be understood as non-binding indications and do not constitute a binding commitment to conditions or an offer for a specific business transaction. This publication also does not contain a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold financial instruments.