Sustainable development goals
As an international banking group, we consider ourselves obliged to support these important international initiatives within the scope of our sustainability agenda.
Our focus
As an international banking group, we consider ourselves obliged to support these important international initiatives within the scope of our sustainability agenda. Our focus is on those SDGs that are relevant to the business activities in each individual case and that best complement our sustainability strategy.
United Nations' "Agenda 2030"
In order to help find solutions for global challenges, promote human welfare and protect the environment, the international community of states making up the United Nations adopted "Agenda 2030" in September 2015 in the interests of sustainable development. At its core are 17 goals for sustainable development, the so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their 169 sub-goals.
The SDGs encompass social and economic development as well as environmental sustainability. They also address aspects such as peace and security, justice and global partnerships, all of which are of great importance for sustainable development. The SDGs are globally applicable. In other words, all 193 UN member states, including Austria, are called upon to contribute to achieving the goals according to their means. Incentives should also be established to encourage non-state actors to increasingly make active contributions to sustainable development. As an international banking group, we consider ourselves obliged to support these important international initiatives within the scope of our sustainability agenda.