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About Raiffeisen Bank International

We are one of Austria's leading corporate and investment banks and operate as a universal bank in 11 Central and Eastern European markets.

In addition, the RBI Group offers numerous other financial services, for example in the areas of leasing, asset management and M&A.

Key Data At A Glance

Would you like to discover more facts regarding Raiffeisen Bank International? Download the fact sheet about us.

11 subsidiary banks in CEE

17.9 million customers

around 42.600 employees

around 1,400 business outlets

ATX listed since 2005

in CEE since 1986

more than 1,000 awards

from financial magazines

EUR 200 bn total assets


Ownership Structure of Raiffeisen Bank International

38.83% of Raiffeisen Bank international is owned by free float. 61.17% is owned by regional Raiffeisen banks:

  • 61.17% of Raiffeisen Bank International shares is owned by 8 regional Raiffeisen banks
  • 8 regional Raiffeisen banks are owned by 285 Raiffeisen banks
  • 285 Raiffeisen banks are owned by appr. 1.7 mn members
(primarly private individuals)

Investor Relations

Transparency is our top priority. We keep you up-to-date with all the latest news about our company, our business, and the development of our stock. Not with fine words, but with convincing facts and arguments. Our goal is to grow company value that will last. You can find out here what we are doing to achieve that.

Where we can support you

Raiffeisen Bank International offers its services in 11 markets of CEE which are covered by subsidiary banks. In addition the RBI Group comprises numerous other financial service providers, for instance in leasing, asset management or M&A.


RBI was already active in CEE even before the process of political transition started in the region and the "Iron Curtain" fell: already back in 1986, its first subsidiary bank was founded in Hungary. The bank can therefore look back on almost 40 years of banking experience in the region.

Governance & compliance

We are aware of our obligations to business and society and act accordingly. Here you will find everything you need to know about

  • Corporate Governance,
  • Compliance,
  • Code of Conduct,
  • Vision, Mission & Values and
  • Security


RBI continuously reviews the quality of its service and is always working on finding new solutions. That’s what we understand by the motto "New thinking". Find out more about this and other innovative topics such as

  • FinTech partnerships,
  • Elevator Lab and
  • API Marketplace