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In the legal proceedings initiated by Rasperia Trading Limited (“Rasperia”) against STRABAG SE, STRABAG SE’s Austrian core shareholders and RBI’s (Raiffeisen Bank International) wholly owned Russian subsidiary AO Raiffeisenbank, a Russian court has today rendered its verdict. The court has decided that STRABAG SE and its Austrian core shareholders are liable to pay EUR 2.044 billion to Rasperia and that the verdict can be enforced against AO Raiffeisenbank’s assets. AO Raiffeisenbank will appeal this verdict with suspensive effect. Subject to further developments in Russian courts, RBI Group will take legal actions in Austria, in full compliance with EU sanction law, to mitigate damages by seeking enforcement against Rasperia’s assets in Austria. AO Raiffeisenbank will book a provision for Q4/2024, in accordance with IFRS and Russian accounting standards. Pending an external audit opinion, the provision would reflect the amount awarded to Rasperia by the Russian court today (EUR 2.044 billion) minus the expected proceeds from enforcement of legal recourse against Rasperia’s assets in Austria. These consist of 28.5 million STRABAG SE shares, including the attached dividends from years 2021, 2022, and 2023, and the cash distribution from the March 2024 capital reduction. In its verdict, the Russian court has also acceded to Rasperia’s request according to which the ownership rights for the shares of STRABAG SE held by Rasperia are to be transferred to AO Raiffeisenbank. However, Russian verdicts have no binding effect in Austria and the transfer of shares is therefore not enforceable. Furthermore, Rasperia’s STRABAG SE shares are subject to an asset freeze under EU sanctions which also currently prevents their transfer.
Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) will publish today an invitation to holders (the "Noteholders") of its EUR 650,000,000 Fixed to Reset Rate Additional Tier 1 Notes of 2017 with a First Reset Date on 15 December 2022 (ISIN: XS1640667116) (the "Notes") to tender any and all of their Notes for purchase by RBI for cash at a purchase price of 101.875 per cent, with a settlement date on or around 27 November 2024 (the "Tender Offer"). The Tender Offer is made exclusively on the basis of a tender offer memorandum dated 18 November 2024 (the "Tender Offer Memorandum"), copies of which are available to Noteholders on their request from the Tender Agent. The Tender Offer will begin on 18 November 2024 and will expire at 5:00 p.m. (CET) on 25 November 2024, unless extended, re-opened, amended, or terminated as provided in the Tender Offer Memorandum. Instructions to participate in the Tender Offer are to be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Tender Offer Memorandum to Kroll Issuer Services Limited, The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9SG, United Kingdom, as the tender agent (the "Tender Agent"). Any Notes tendered by the Noteholders may be rejected at the sole discretion of RBI. Furthermore, RBI intends, subject to market conditions, to issue new euro-denominated undated non-cumulative fixed to reset rate Additional Tier 1 notes. Disclaimer: Neither the Tender Offer Memorandum nor this announcement constitutes or contains an offer of, or the solicitation of an offer to buy or subscribe for, securities issued by RBI to any jurisdiction in which the submission of such an offer or such an invitation to submit an offer or in which the submission of an offer by or to certain persons is prohibited. Holders of Notes who are outside of the Republic of Austria and who come into possession of this announcement and/or the Tender Offer Memorandum and/or who wish to make an offer to sell the Notes from outside the Republic of Austria are required to inform themselves about the relevant legal provisions in connection therewith and to comply with these provisions. Neither RBI nor the Tender Agent nor any of the Dealer Managers (as set out in the Tender Offer Memorandum) assumes any liability whatsoever in connection with the submission of an offer to sell notes from outside the Republic of Austria. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION IN OR INTO OR TO ANY PERSON LOCATED OR RESIDENT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ITS TERRITORIES AND POSSESSIONS (INCLUDING PUERTO RICO, THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS, GUAM, AMERICAN SAMOA, WAKE ISLAND AND THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS), ANY STATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OR IN OR INTO OR TO ANY PERSON RESIDENT OR LOCATED IN ANY OTHER JURISDICTION WHERE IT IS UNLAWFUL TO RELEASE, PUBLISH OR DISTRIBUTE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT.
Consolidated profit of EUR 856 million excluding Russia and Belarus, including EUR 493 million provisions for CHF and EUR mortgage loans in Poland Core revenues excluding Russia and Belarus slightly down at EUR 1,481 million quarter-over-quarter, reflecting muted business activity in Q3 Provisioning ratio for the Group excluding Russia and Belarus stable at around 30 bps in Q3 CET1 ratio excluding Russia improves to 15.3% (Group CET1 ratio unchanged at 17.8%) Russia: Significant de-risking accelerates – customer loans down almost 67% since peak in Q2/2022 and down 23% quarter-over-quarter, current account deposits down 26% quarter-over-quarter ROE guidance for 2024 adjusted to 7.5%, excluding Russia and Belarus
With the publication of Q3/2024 results, Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) will adjust the results of the Group excluding Russia and Belarus shown in the investor presentation to align with management’s planning and steering view. In previous quarters, the results of the Group excluding Russia and Belarus treated the contributions of the Russian and Belarusian subsidiaries following the logic of IFRS 5. The adjusted results file for Q2/2024, aligned with management’s planning and steering view, including previous periods for comparison, is available on the RBI website: Results & Reports (rbinternational.com) Net interest income is the main affected line item and revised down by EUR 32 million for Q2/2024 and by EUR 63 million for H1/2024.
Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) will publish today an invitation to holders (the "Noteholders") of its EUR 500,000,000 Subordinated Callable Fixed-to-Fixed Rate Reset Notes due March 2030 Notes (ISIN: XS2049823763) (the "Notes") to tender any and all of their Notes for purchase by RBI for cash at a purchase price of 98.95 per cent, with a settlement date on or around 4 October 2024 (the "Tender Offer"). The Tender Offer is made exclusively on the basis of a tender offer memorandum dated 25 September 2024 (the "Tender Offer Memorandum"), copies of which are available to Noteholders on their request from the Tender Agent. The Tender Offer will begin on 25 September 2024 and will expire at 5:00 p.m. (CEST) on 2 October 2024, unless extended, re-opened, amended, or terminated as provided in the Tender Offer Memorandum. Instructions to participate in the Tender Offer are to be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Tender Offer Memorandum to Kroll Issuer Services Limited, The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9SG, United Kingdom, as the tender agent (the "Tender Agent"). Any Notes tendered by the Noteholders may be rejected at the sole discretion of RBI. Furthermore, RBI intends, subject to market conditions, to issue a new series of euro-denominated subordinated callable fixed-to-fixed rate reset notes under the Base Prospectus for its Debt Issuance Programme dated 19 April 2024. Disclaimer: Neither the Tender Offer Memorandum nor this announcement constitutes or contains an offer of, or the solicitation of an offer to buy or subscribe for, securities issued by RBI to any jurisdiction in which the submission of such an offer or such an invitation to submit an offer or in which the submission of an offer by or to certain persons is prohibited. Holders of Notes who are outside of the Republic of Austria and who come into possession of this announcement and/or the Tender Offer Memorandum and/or who wish to make an offer to sell the Notes from outside the Republic of Austria are required to inform themselves about the relevant legal provisions in connection therewith and to comply with these provisions. Neither RBI nor the Tender Agent nor any of the Dealer Managers (as set out in the Tender Offer Memorandum) assumes any liability whatsoever in connection with the submission of an offer to sell notes from outside the Republic of Austria. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION IN OR INTO OR TO ANY PERSON LOCATED OR RESIDENT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ITS TERRITORIES AND POSSESSIONS (INCLUDING PUERTO RICO, THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS, GUAM, AMERICAN SAMOA, WAKE ISLAND AND THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS), ANY STATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OR IN OR INTO OR TO ANY PERSON RESIDENT OR LOCATED IN ANY OTHER JURISDICTION WHERE IT IS UNLAWFUL TO RELEASE, PUBLISH OR DISTRIBUTE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT.
Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has today signed an agreement on the sale of its 87.74 per cent stake in Priorbank JSC and its subsidiaries to Soven 1 Holding Limited – thereby completing the negotiations which were announced on February 14, 2024 (Ad-hoc release February 2024). The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and successful closing, which is expected in Q4/2024. At closing, the transaction is expected to have an estimated negative impact of approximately EUR 300 million on RBI Group’s consolidated profit, resulting mainly from the difference betweenpurchase price and book value of Priorbank JSC. At closing, the impact on RBI Group’s CET1 ratio excluding Russia is expected around -5 basis points, resulting from the estimated difference between purchase price and book value of the equity and from the deconsolidation of the RWAs of Priorbank JSC. At closing, the transaction is expected to have a further estimated negative impact on RBI Group’s consolidated profit of c. EUR 500 million. This will have no impact on the regulatory capital andcapital ratios of RBI Group and is related to the reclassification of predominantly historical FX losses currently recognized in other comprehensive income. With the completion of this transaction, RBI will have successfully exited the Belarusian market, and thereby reduced its operational complexity in line with its de-risking strategy in Eastern Europe. Under its new ownership Priorbank JSC will operate in a fully independent manner.
Russian court has today issued a preliminary injunction, by which shares of AO Raiffeisenbank are subject to a transfer ban with immediate effect. Raiffeisen Bank International AG (“RBI”) is the 100% shareholder of AO Raiffeisenbank. The decision is related to the legal proceedings recently initiated by Rasperia Trading Limited in Russia against STRABAG SE, its Austrian core shareholders and AO Raiffeisenbank. AO Raiffeisenbank is mentioned in the claim as related to the other defendants, although not accused of any wrongdoing. RBI is not a party to these proceedings. As a result of today’s decision RBI cannot transfer its shares in AO Raiffeisenbank. This complicates the sales process in which RBI seeks to sell a controlling stake in AO Raiffeisenbank – and will inevitably lead to further delays. RBI will attempt to reverse today’s court decision by all legal means.
In recent exchanges with the relevant authorities, Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has been unable to obtain the required comfort in order to proceed with the proposed transaction. In an abundance of caution, the bank has decided to walk away from the deal. Since the start of the war, RBI has significantly reduced its activities in Russia and taken broad measures to mitigate the risks from the increased sanction and compliance requirements. Independently from the decision to cancel the STRABAG SE transaction, RBI will continue to work towards the deconsolidation of its Russian subsidiary.
Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) expects the European Central Bank (ECB) in the near term to issue a request for an acceleration of the business reduction in Russia, which RBI has been conducting since February 2022. Under the current draft of the requirements, loans to customers would decrease significantly by 2026 (up to 65 per cent vs. Q3/2023), as would international payments originating from Russia. Since February 2022, RBI has taken substantial measures to mitigate the risks deriving from its ownership of AO Raiffeisenbank in Russia, including specifically risks to its capital position and liquidity, and risks from increased sanction compliance requirements. The ECB’s draft requirements go far beyond RBI’s own plans to further reduce the Russian business and may adversely impact RBI’s options to sell AO Raiffeisenbank. RBI is committed to achieving the deconsolidation of AO Raiffeisenbank, including via a sale of the unit.

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