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Raiffeisen Bank International share

RBI has been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 25 April 2005. The regional Raiffeisen banks hold approximately 61.2 per cent of RBI’s shares, 38.8 per cent are held by free float investors.

Basic information

Exchange / Trading centreVienna
Trading SymbolRBI
Category of shareCommon Stock
ISIN CodeAT0000606306
Ticker symbol

Vienna Stock Exchange: RBI

Bloomberg: RBI AV

Reuters: RBIV.VI

Share capital€ 1,003.27 million
Number of shares328.94 million
Free Floatapprox. 38.83%
First trading day25 April 2005

Basic information

Exchange / Trading centreVienna
Trading SymbolRBI
Category of shareCommon Stock
ISIN CodeAT0000606306
Ticker symbol

Vienna Stock Exchange: RBI

Bloomberg: RBI AV

Reuters: RBIV.VI

Share capital€ 1,003.27 million
Number of shares328.94 million
Free Floatapprox. 38.83%
First trading day25 April 2005

Learn more about the Raiffeisen Bank International share

Business people discussing graphs

Shareholder Structure

To the current shareholder structure of RBI.

Consensus estimates

The RBI consensus is based on current forecasts made by covering equity analysts.

Capital measures

Information on the capital increase 2014 and redemption of the participation capital.