Annual General Meeting 2011
The Annual General Meeting of Raiffeisen Bank International AG for the business year 2010 took place on 8 June 2011 at 10:00 am.
Austria Center Vienna (ACV)
Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1
1220 Vienna
Meeting details
Declaration by the candidate for election to the Supervisory Board pursuant to sec. 87 para. 2 of the Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz)
Note to shareholders in acccordance with § 262 para. 20 Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz)
Pursuant to § 262 para. 20 Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz) Raiffeisen Bank International AG has determined that the transmission of deposit certificates and declarations according to § 114 para. 1 fourth sentence of the Stock Corporation Act via an internationally disseminated, specifically secured communication network of credit institutions whose participants can be clearly identified (SWIFT) is not possible for this General Meeting and until further notice. Instead, the fax number +43 (0)1 8900 500 83 and e-mail anmeldung.rbi@hauptversammlung.at can, until further notice, be used to submit deposit certificates and declarations according to § 114 para. 1 fourth sentence of the Stock Corporation Act electronically.