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RBI Sponsoring and donations

Many of RBI's cooperations with its partners are based on continuity. A wide variety of focal points are set in the process.

Our focus

We have decided years ago not to limit ourself to a few large aid projects, but to place factors such as personal commitment or regional, social challenges at the forefront of our decisions. We and our employees are involved in a wide variety of projects and initiatives by providing financial assistance or initiating contacts.

We define our mission with respect to our Sponsorship and Donations Policy as follows:

  • RBI works to strengthen democracy, the rule of law, and social cohesion and diversity.
  • RBI is engaged in advancing international exchange and understanding with a strong focus on the European Union in general and CEE in particular (”bridging“).
  • RBI supports the pursuit of excellence as a means of promoting relevant progress in society – be it in civic, economic, academic or cultural life.
  • RBI supports initiatives that address social causes.

RBI Sponsoring and donations


Many employees in our network banks are financially involved in RBI's long-standing projects, make donations to colleagues who have fallen ill and thereby contribute to the community.

We see it as particularly positive that many of our employees not only make the projects supported by RBI possible through their personal commitment, but also additionally take on social tasks in their free time.

Disaster relief

We also provide support in the event of damage caused by natural disasters. Whether people are in need due to a flood or an earthquake, RBI helps the communities in which it operates.

In many cases, we also involve our employees in the process.

Corporate volunteering

The various corporate volunteering initiatives at RBI help to make oneself feel part of a bigger picture, support Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen's idea of helping others to help themselves in this day and age, and proactively live up to one's social responsibility in cooperation and within society. The number of hours offered varies from location to location.

We are always happy to hear about new opportunities for our corporate volunteering program. If you have an activity that would be suitable for an RBI employee or team, please contact us at

Stepic CEE Charity

Founded by former RBI CEO Herbert Stepic in 2006, the Stepic CEE Charity supports children, young people and women in Central and Eastern Europe.

The form of support is adjusted to reflect the respective requirements with a focus on education. Thanks to its deep local roots, its pragmatic approach and the active support of the RBI network banks, the charity gives people the prospect of an independent life away from poverty. Education is the key.

All of the charity's projects are realized in cooperation with renowned local or international partner organizations and managed by voluntary employees of RBI in Vienna – as part of the corporate volunteering program since 2015 – and at its locations in Central and Eastern Europe. This serves to minimize administrative costs with all of the financial contributions going directly to the projects.