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Annual reports

  • Consolidated profit of EUR 997 million, excluding Russia and Belarus and including EUR 873 millionprovisions for CHF mortgages in Poland
  • Core revenues excluding Russia and Belarus up 17% year-over-year to EUR 6,006 million, driven bynet interest income
  • Lower provisioning for impairment losses year-over-year: EUR 296 million for the Group excluding Russia and Belarus
  • CET1 ratio excluding Russia improves to 14.6% (Group CET1 ratio at 17.3%)
  • Customer loans in Russia down EUR 3 billion in 2023 as part of de-risking approach to Russia
  • RBI Board to propose dividend of EUR 1.25 per share to the AGM on 4 April 2024

Other annual reports

Sustainability report 2023

We see the publication of our annual Sustainability Report (which corresponds to the consolidated non-financial report) as an important transparency and information tool in dialog with our stakeholders. It not only shows what has been achieved so far on those topics summarized under ESG (environment, social and governance), but also provides an outlook on our sustainability targets.

The report contains the regulatory disclosure according to as well as the progress report on the implementation of the UNEP FI "Principles for Responsible Banking". The report also provides comprehensive information on our sustainability performance in 2023 and an outlook on the sustainability program for 2024. In addition, the summary of the steps achieved can also be accessed in plain language for the first time via a QR code.

Sustainability report 2023

The reporting structure complies with the legal requirements and has already been partially adapted with regard to the new reporting requirements of the European Union (the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, CSRD).

Overview of the relevant templates to be reported in accordance with Article 8 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation and the supplementary Delegated Regulations for the 2023 financial year:

2023 - ESG supplement data collection

To provide an overview and to ease the comparison of our ESG performance data please also see the supplement to our Sustainability Report 2023.