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Institutions: Leveraged & Acquisition Finance

Handle your regional and international acquisition activities with ease – our experts will find the best financing solution for your strategic pursuits.

Acquire Companies With Ease

We understand that each opportunity is unique. Our seasoned team develop and structure bespoke financing solutions, ensuring that your acquisitions and leveraged transactions are structured to align seamlessly with your objectives.

Tailored Solutions

We craft tailored financial packages that align with your specific goals. Whether you're pursuing acquisitions, buyouts or need capital for expansion, our solutions are designed to suit your individual requirements.

Building long-term relationships with our clients is at the core of what we do. We work closely with you, offering dedicated support and strategic insights to foster your company's success.

Strong Regional & International Support

Operating in a connected world, we offer international solutions. Our focus is on Continental Europe with an emphasis on our home markets Austria and CEE region.

With our extensive network and industry connections, we provide access to a wide array of funding sources. This enables us to structure the most advantageous financial packages for your endeavors.

Industry Expertise

Our team comprises seasoned professionals well-versed in diverse industries. Whether you're exploring acquisitions, buyouts, or strategic investments, we offer insights and solutions that resonate with the unique dynamics of your industry.

Selected Success Stories

Best in Parking AG

Corporate M&A

Before Macquarie's significant minority stake acquisition, Best in Parking AG, a key player in parking and mobility infrastructure in Central and Southeast Europe, streamlined its capital structure with RBI serving as the Coordinator, Mandated Lead Arranger, and Bookrunner for financing. This investment will empower the company's growth and its journey to become a pioneer in "Smart & Climate Active Cities.
Telekom Srbija

Corporate M&A

Serbian state-controlled telco operator, Telekom Srbija, completed a EUR 674m credit facility via RBI as Mandated Lead Arranger, Underwriter, and Bookrunner. It refinanced debt, bolstered working capital, and funded capex & acquisitions. The oversubscribed transaction, surpassing the initial amount, notably improved Telekom Srbija’s capital structure and liquidity, marking a significant financial enhancement.
European Pizza Group

Leveraged Finance

European Pizza Group is a joint venture between Nestlé and global private equity PAI Partners for Nestlé’s frozen pizza business in Europe which is known under the brands Wagner, Buitoni and Garden Gourmet. RBI acted as Global Coordinator and Mandated Lead Arranger of the debt package for the recently set up JV , which comprises a Term Loan and Revolving Credit Facility.

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