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Cash & Liquidity Management, Wherever You Are

You need a flexible way to handle your payments worldwide? You want to concentrate your activities in a treasury center? You seek a partner in CEE with the regional knowledge of a local bank, but the network of an international banking group? Look no further.

Cash Management

Efficient cash and liquidity management is vital for optimizing your cash flow – especially if you are operating globally.

We offer solutions for your every need: from basic account services, SEPA and cross-border payments to billing solutions, electronic banking and complex cash pooling. What separates us from other banks? Our product experts who tirelessly work on providing an efficient, easy, reliable customer experience. Your challenges inspire our innovations.

In an ever-changing world of globalization and digitalization, you can rely on one constant: our expertise. Helping you manage your funds in an effective way is our core business. Benefit from our longstanding know-how in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe.


Account Services

With various Account Services RBI offers optimum solutions for payment and clearing business.

Account Services

MultiCurrency Account
The EUR clearing account at RBI serves as a MultiCurrency Account for 30 currencies and allows you to centralize and optimize your regional liquidity in Vienna. It allows you to minimize your administrative efforts and costs due to a reduction of your existing nostro accounts. The MultiCurrency Account supports the following currencies and facilitates the smooth processing of your incoming and outgoing payment orders: AED, ALL, AUD, BAM, BGN, CAD, CHF, CNY, CZK, DKK, GBP, HKD, HUF, INR, JPY, KWD, KZT, MXN, NOK, NZD, PLN, QAR, RON, RSD, SAR, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, ZAR.

Mastercard Settlement Account
This service enables you to use your EUR account for settlement of your Mastercard payments. The settlement movements will be shown on your account on a daily basis.

Visa Settlement Account
The Visa Settlement Account allows you to use your existing EUR account maintained with RBI for the settlement of your Visa transactions in EUR.

Clearing Services

RBI is a payments services specialist. Acting as a link between the emerging markets and the Euro zone, RBI offers its correspondent banks a wide range of Clearing Services in many currencies.

Clearing Services

RBI’s Cash Management facility develops individual and tailor-made clearing product solutions for domestic and foreign banks. Euro Clearing is one of the core products, but other currencies are also covered by our product portfolio.

Euro Clearing Account
The Euro clearing account is one of the main products at RBI and offers the possibility to make all payments in EUR and other currencies via a single account. Its benefits include:

  • Direct access to the European payment systems (TARGET2, EBA)
  • Access to the European bulk payment systems (EBA/STEP2)
  • Same day value for all payment orders in EUR
  • Monthly Account analysis (fixed unit prices)
  • STP Quality Analysis
  • Multilingual customer service

US-Dollar Clearing Account
The RBI US-Dollar clearing account from RBI offers its correspondent banks same-day USD payments with the following benefits:

  • Same-day value for all payment orders in USD
  • Low-cost, flat-rate charges
  • Monthly Account Analysis
  • STP Quality Analysis
  • Multilingual customer service

CHF Clearing
RBI serves as your trusted clearing partner for the Swiss market. Being directly connected to the Swiss Interbank Clearing System (SIC), we ensure efficient CHF payments to and from Switzerland with same-day value (D+0) until 2:30 p.m.

RMB Clearing
RBI offers clearing services to and from China in local currency, either via a CNY Clearing Account or with conversion via your EUR Clearing Account.

In-house Clearing
In-house Clearing are transfers between two Loro bank accounts within Raiffeisen Bank International AG, where RBI is the clearing bank for EUR and/or USD.

ILVP – International Low Value Payments
This product is designed to handle low value payments (up to EUR 12,500 or equivalent in local currency) to recipients within 10 countries at favourable conditions.

Multi Currency Clearing
The EUR clearing account at RBI serves as a multi currency account for 28 currencies and allows you to centralize and optimize your regional liquidity in Vienna.

Exotic Currency Clearing
The RBI Exotic Currency Clearing is applicable to commercial payments irrespective of the tranfer amount, allowing you to centralize and optimize your regional liquidity management.

Cheque Collection Clearing
RBI accepts original order- and non-negotiable cheques for crediting to your account held with us.We offer cheque settlement services either "under usual reserve" with a fixed value date or "after final payment" on encashment basis.

Reporting Services

In order to ensure efficient and reliable account information RBI provides comprehensive online services as well as message delivery via SWIFT.

Reporting Services

RBI provides efficient and reliable information via a wide range of media, which supports cost management and the statistical evaluation of payment streams.

Cash Management Billing Solution - CMBS

By using the Cash Management Billing Solution (CMBS) your transactions with Raiffeisen Bank International become easier and even more favourable. One of the keys to achieve a high level of competitiveness is to optimize your financial controlling. CMBS supports you in keeping the overview of your transactions and costs and offer you the possibility to actively monitor them.

Cash Management Billing Solution allows you to retrieve your internet based bill from anywhere in the world at any time. CMBS enables you to import the available data directly into your bookkeeping system. Additionally, the electronic storage of your data for the entire fiscal year and numerous features (i.e. actual pricing, details of charged transactions, etc.) support your financial controlling.We would like to highlight that CMBS also provides the possibility to view and export the Cash Management Fees in camt.086 format.

More information

Account statements via SWIFT MT940 and MT950

The electronic account statement in the MT940 format and the bank account statement in the MT950 format are important sources of information on account movements. The payment purpose tags can be sent in unstructured or structured form in accordance with SWIFT, STUZZA or SEPA rules. This provides you with maximum information for automated processing.

Intraday account statements via SWIFT MT941 and MT942
The intraday balance information and transmission of intraday bookings enable almost real-time cash management of payment streams to your accounts at RBI. Unstructured and structured output is available for optimum, automated further processing. Defined output times allow you to obtain the maximum amount of information.

Credit and debit notes via SWIFT MT910 and MT900
The credit and debit notes give you reliable information about individual payments. As these meet SWIFT standards, they are simple to integrate into your internal processes.

Reporting services in the new xml-format
RBI supports the message types camt.052, camt.053 and camt.054 in compliance with XML ISO 20022 and offers the transmission of these new SEPA reporting instruments. This information can either be sent via SWIFTNet FileAct or a direct data transfer connection. Alternatively these message types can be downloaded via our electronic banking systems.

SWIFT gpi & RBI Payment Tracker
With SWIFT‘s "global payments innovation" – briefly SWIFT gpi – increased transparency and same-day use of funds have become the new standard for international payments.

With the RBI Payment Tracker RBI’s bank clients can now actively track their gpi payments. This transparency regarding the status of outgoing and incoming international payment flows, which was given to SWIFT gpi participating banks, will now be forwarded 1:1 to RBI’s bank clients.


  • Overview of all incoming and outgoing gpi payments in ALL, BAM, BGN, CAD, CHF, CZK, DKK, EUR, GBP, HUF, MXN, NOK, PLN, RON, RSD, RUB, SEK, TRY und USD
  • Graphical detail view of all gpi payment flows
  • Up-to-date status of the bank’s gpi payments (In Progress, On Hold, Completed, Rejected)
  • Reduced number of investigations and, subsequently, less investigation charges
  • Transparency of deducts within the payment flow
  • Optional: PDF Payment Confirmations for all outgoing gpi payments


  • Payment Tracker 
    Please use one of the following browsers to login: Google Chrome (Version >=70), Microsoft Edge (Version >=16), Mozilla Firefox (Version >=63) und Safari (Version >=12).

Settlement Services

RBI is directly connected to national and international payment systems. Our top priority is to process the transactions of our correspondent banks as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

Settlement Services

RBI participates directly in all major national and international clearing systems. The respective routing of a payment is chosen on the basis of the payment priority, amount and time of receipt.

SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication)
SWIFT is the main provider of infrastructure and standards for the electronic data exchange in banking and is offering various products in the areas of business intelligence, KYC, compliance, etc. Recently, especially the development of GPI (global payments innovation) was a key factor for increasing transparency in global payments processing. RBI was among the pilot banks worldwide and THE first Austrian bank to implement this standard for the benefit of its customers.

Payment Service Austria operates the new Austrian clearing house for processing domestic SEPA payment transactions. RBI offers local banks indirect participation in this new payment infrastructure.

SSP/ TARGET2 (Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer)
The Single Shared Platform is the central high value payment system of the ECB and mainly offers the processing of urgent customer payments and settlement payments in ancillary systems all around Europe. RBI is direct participant in this important infrastructure and offers its correspondent banks indirect participation.

The clearing infrastructure EURO1/STEP1 of the Euro Banking Association offers its participating banks an alternative to TARGET2. RBI has been member since 1999 and is processing a great part of its non-SEPA payment volumes in EUR for its clients. Correspondent banks of RBI might be interested in participating in STEP1 and using RBI as settlement bank.

STEP2 is the pan-European platform for exchanging SEPA transactions (SCT, SDD Core and SDD B2B). As direct participant from the very beginning of SEPA, RBI is offering its correspondent banks an indirect participation within STEP2.

On 21 November 2017, the first pan-European Instant Payments solution of EBA Clearing went live and RBI was one of the pioneering banks. Instant payments mean payments processed in real-time and the availability of funds within 10 seconds 24/7/365. The format is based on the new SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCTInst) scheme managed by the European Payments Council. It is possible to reach participating banks within the whole SEPA area with an initial maximum transaction amount of EUR 100.000.-. RBI is a direct member of EBA RT1 and offers its FI customers an indirect participation.

TIPS (TARGET Instant Payment Settlement)
Since 30th of November 2018 the European Central Bank is providing a uniform payment platform where SEPA Instant Credit Transfers (SCT Inst) can be processed. After EBA RT1 this is the second infrastructure for the processing of Instant Payments on an European level. RBI is a direct TIPS participant since 15th of April 2019.

Services for Domestic Banks

Financial institutions within Austria can take advantage of RBI’s extensive payment and cash management services.

Services for Domestic Banks

RBI offers banks within Austria extensive services for their domestic and cross-border payment businesses. Based on the close cooperation with Raiffeisen Informatik GmbH and the back office company RSC (Raiffeisen Service Center GmbH), virtually every service is rendered; from establishing technical connections to performing back office and processing tasks. Especially for cross-border payments, domestic banks may take advantage of RBI’s various cash management solutions.

Our services include:

  • Domestic and cross-border payment processing at guaranteed flat fees
  • Indirect participation in the payment infrastructures PSA, EBA STEP2 (SCT and SDD), EBA RT1 (SCT inst), TIPS (SCTInst) and TARGET2 (as "addressable BIC") through RBI - Settlement Services
  • Optimised liquidity management through maintaining a central account for the entire Raiffeisen Banking Group in Austria
  • Special products and solutions for cross-border payments - Clearing Services
  • Regular account information via the online reporting tool CMI@Web Account Reporting

Instant Payment Services

Indirect participation in various clearing infrastructures has long been one of RBI's main services in the SEPA area for IC customers. With the introduction of SEPA instant payment clearing via RBI, our offering is reaching the next level. We have already onboarded numerous clients, with more to follow in the coming months!

Instant Payment Services

RBI implemented Instant Payments in November 2017, becoming one of the first banks in Europe to do so. Since then, the share of instant payments has continuously increased as more people discover the convenience of sending payments that reach the recipient within 10 seconds. As a proactive Clearing Bank, RBI offers indirect participation in Europe's leading Instant Payment Infrastructures, RT1 and TIPS, to partner banks. Many of these banks already use RBI for SEPA Credit Transfer and SEPA Direct Debit services.

Due to the Instant Payment Regulation, banks that were previously hesitant to adopt instant payments are now required to be reachable for Instant Payments by January 9, 2025, and to actively offer Instant Payments to their customers by October 9, 2025. In anticipation of this, RBI has engaged with several banks, offering them the opportunity to become indirect participants through RBI. Our full-service package includes a detailed step-by-step plan covering technical onboarding, testing, contracts, and support with the EPC Adherence process. RBI's solution includes 24/7 monitoring and information management of planned and unplanned participant unavailability’s. The next onboardings are scheduled for the end of March and the beginning of April.

Recently, the European Payments Council announced that banks from Albania and Montenegro (and potentially North Macedonia, Serbia, and Moldova) can adhere to the SEPA Schemes and start SEPA payments in October.

Open APIs

Open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for RBI’s Cash Management core functionalities and value-added services transfer data between client systems and our bank systems – automated and in real-time. They are like a messenger service into a software system and provide hooks for requests and responses.

In general, APIs provide

  • on-demand access to data and services directly integrated into chosen platforms
  • agility, flexibility and control to meet the need for greater data availability

Basically, we provide two different kinds of APIs to our corporate customers:

Premium APIs

We are constantly making more and more of our Cash Management services available via Open APIs and are adding them to our Open API marketplace. For more information on RBI’s Open API offering in Cash Management, please visit our Open APIs in Cash Management website.


Access the XS2A interface as approved Account Information Service Provider (AISP) or Payment Initiation Provider (PISP) and develop and test the API. How to connect? All necessary steps as well as the detailed API description can be found in this document: RBI XS2A API Description

In case of any questions please feel free to contact RBI’s Support Desk:​

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