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Corporates: Sustainable Solutions

Boost your corporate sustainability with solutions that fit your business and sustainability strategy. Our experts support you in reaching your strategic sustainability goals and demonstrating your commitment to corporate social responsibility.

Finance Sustainable Investments and Projects

We are your partner in making future-oriented business decisions that not only meet the current regulatory requirements but also set you on a path of long-term success.

an illustration of a green city design with growing stocks

Sustainable Financing

Diversify your portfolio and elevate your brand image with sustainable finance solutions that align with your ESG goals. From ESG-linked to green financing, we offer a broad range of tailored products.

Risk mitigation: Sustainable Trade Finance

Mitigate your risks in import and export transactions while supporting your sustainable transformation.

Sustainable Trade Finance

Mitigate your risks in import and export transactions worldwide while supporting your sustainable transformation.

Our Sustainble Trade Finance solutions support you in your net zero strategy and climate change impact.
Gain greater visibility on to enhance your company’s sustainability perception and meet your sustainability objectives.

Green Guarantee
A green guarantee facility agreement is based on the use of proceeds concept. A guarantee is classified as green if it is issued in connection with an eligible green project, which should meet certain criteria as defined in the EU taxonomy or the RBI Green Bond Framework. In the case of Green Guarantees falling under the EU taxonomy, RBI may grant you a discount on the regular pricing agreed with us. 

ESG-linked Trade Finance
A guarantee or letter of credit facility agreement enriched by a set of sustainability KPIs that should be material to the borrower’s core sustainability and business strategy. The guarantee or LC fee is linked to the defined sustainability KPIs and is adjusted depending on the sustainability performance of the borrower.

More About Trade Finance

Benefit from our expertise and innovation drive in the dynamic environment of international trade.

Short-term investments: Sustainable Deposit

Use a sustainable format to invest your short-term cash resources (1 to 12 months).

Sustainable Deposit

Use a sustainable format to invest your short-term cash resources (1 to 12 months).

Our Sustainable Deposit was inaugurated in 2022 as a new opportunity for customers to use a sustainable format for short-term investing.

For this, we have established the RBI “Sustainable Deposits Framework”, which was positively opinioned and verified through the Second Party Opinion by the Carbon Trust Assurance Limited agency.

Use of proceeds
RBI will use the proceeds from Sustainable Deposits to finance sustainability-linked finance products (SLFPs) with a positive ESG impact within RBI core markets.

SLFPs are finance products which incentivize customers to achieve ambitious sustainability targets and thus make a positive contribution to their sustainable transformation.

As part of our transparency promise, an annual report on the use of the proceeds – the Allocation and Impact Report – is published.

Investment banking & Capital markets: Sustainable Bond Structuring

Align your bond structuring with best market practices. We help you define frameworks and KPIs.

Sustainable Bond Structuring

Align your bond structuring with best market practices. We help you define frameworks and KPIs.

Our services for structuring sustainable bonds includes

  • developing robust sustainable financing frameworks that adhere to the best market practices, covering green/social financing, sustainability-linked financing, or a combined framework including both formats
  • selecting of eligible underlying assets for the green/social/sustainable bond issuance
  • defining meaningful and material ESG KPIs and Sustainability Performance Targets (SPTs) used for the issuance of a sustainability-linked bond

In addition, we offer expert consultancy on aligning bond issuances with the sustainability standards recognized in the market, such as

  • ICMA Green/ Social Bond Principles
  • ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines
  • ICMA Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles

We support you with obtaining a second party opinion (SPO) for the framework, which offers investors a credible and independent assessment of the sustainability quality and of the framework and ensures compliance with industry practice as well as with ICMA/LMA principles.

You can also rely on us with questions related to the annual Allocation and Impact Reporting.

More About Investment Banking & Capital Markets

Expert investment strategies, efficient hedging solutions, and seamless global investor services for informed investing and risk management.

Tackle Your ESG Goals and Access Our Expertise

With an extensive track-record, in-depth know-how and the drive to make sustainability not just a must-have, but a success factor, we support you on your sustainable transformation journey.

Trust a Leading Sustainable Financial Institution

Exchange With Best-in-Class ESG Experts

Get Inspired by Our Proven Track Record

Success Stories: Sustainable Companies Boosting Their ESG Strategy With Us

Don’t just take our word for it. We love to share our customers’ success stories and best practices and help foster knowledge exchange.

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
The first green guarantee facility agreement signed with the leading Spanish manufacturer of offshore and onshore wind turbines

Bene Büromöbel
EU taxonomy aligned financing and tailored subsidy package for a photovoltaic system at Bene’s office furniture production site

UBM Development
The timber construction pioneer’s first sustainability-linked bond for the retail market in 2021; EU taxonomy based green finance framework

Sustainable Innovation Insights

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Our Own Sustainability Journey

Climate change is affecting the whole world. The responsibility for a future in a sustainable environment lies with each and every one of us.

This is why we are committed to supporting sustainable economical growth, investing in sustainable infrastructure and providing advice to our customers on various sustainable solutions as well as expanding renewable financing.