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ePIC: The Digital Payment Questionnaire

With the introduction of ePIC (electronic Payment Information Center), the cumbersome process of filling in paper forms will become much more efficient and user friendly, as it is operated entirely digital.

Fully Digital

Say good-bye to paper! The new ePIC feature is online in the myRaiffeisen world and easy to use.

Comprehensive Dashboard

Keep an overview of all open, pending and submitted questionnaires.

Prefill Historic Data

Use previous ePIC questionnaires to quickly fill in the refresh with existing data.

Regulatory Check Included

Using our IT infrastructure, we can use the ePIC questionnaires to execute automated coherency checks.

Why ePIC Makes Banking Life Easier

Correspondent Banks Know the Challenge
The Payment Questionnaire is a paper form providing an overview on payments through RBI , and it needs to be filled in regularly – all while daily business is becoming more digital and fast-paced.

ePIC Is a New Digital Way of Handling This Topic
Everything can be filled in, organized and submitted via the myRaiffeisen platform. The feature is built in a way that will also help us fulfill our obligatory legal requirements. This way, we make the most out of the information we receive from you. And most importantly: You can save time and experience hassle-free business banking.

How It Works

Watch the video to receive more information on how ePIC works. Get in touch with us to receive your ePIC access!

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