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Corporates: International ECA-covered Financing

Whether you’re importing or exporting: Discover tailor-made solutions for financing international transactions and investments, covered by an export credit agency (ECA). 

We Have Got You Covered

Our experts are happy to help you make the most of your international business: Rely on in-depth know-how and flexible options for the international trade of capital goods.

Buyer’s Credit/Tied Financial Credit

  • Attractive and long-term financing for the import of capital and investment goods
  • Financing amount starting already at EUR 2 million
  • Professional support from RBI and its network banks

Buyer’s Credit/Tied Financial Credit

Are you an importer buying capital goods from a country on our ECA focus list?
With a buyer’s credit, we offer a long-term financing option that is guaranteed by the Export Credit Agency (ECA) in the exporter's country. We take over the payments under the supply contract to the exporter or reimburse you for payments already made to the exporter.

Are you an exporter supplying capital goods to your business partners abroad? 
As RBI, we offer financing to your customers on all continents and thus expand your range of services.

Take advantage of the benefits of a buyer’s credit:

  • Attractive and long-term financing for the import of capital and investment goods
  • Financing amount starting already at EUR 2 million
  • Professional support from RBI and its network banks

As an importer:

  • Medium to long-term financing for the respective project
  • Attractive financing conditions due to ECA guarantee
  • Financing already during the delivery phase

As an exporter:

  • Cash transaction (credit disbursement directly to the exporter)
  • Be more competitive by also offering a financing package
  • Positive balance sheet effect

For more information and tailor-made financing solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


The simple way to your export credit: We offer buyer’s credits for importers and transactions from EUR 2 to 10 million covered by an Export Credit Agency. Digital, fast and efficient – a win-win for both exporters and importers!

RBI Shopping Line

Flexible financing solutions for international projects with Austrian suppliers, tailored to your needs.

RBI Shopping Line

You are an importer buying capital goods from several suppliers in Austria?

You are an Austrian exporter supplying capital goods to a customer abroad who is sourcing from several suppliers?

With RBI Shopping Line, we offer importers sourcing at least partially in Austria a flexible, long-term (re)financing solution for their purchases. The financing is not tied to a specific supply contract.

Take advantage of RBI Shopping Line:

  • Flexible product (‘untied’) with fast execution
  • Credit line that is not tied to a specific export contract
  • To secure financing for future purchases
  • Risk cover and refinancing by OeKB

For more information and tailor-made financing solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Soft Loan

Are you an Austrian company supplying to governments in developing or emerging countries? A Soft Loan supports commercially non-viable projects and is focused on important sectors such as water management, healthcare, education, infrastructure or emergency management.

Soft Loan

Are you an Austrian company supplying to governments in developing or emerging countries? 
A Soft Loan supports commercially non-viable projects and is focused on important sectors such as water management, healthcare, education, infrastructure or emergency management. Your delivery can be financed through a soft loan to the recipient country. 

Current list of recipient countries eligible for soft loans by Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG (OeKB)

Use the advantages of a Soft Loan:

  • Publicly supported financing for commercially non-viable projects with a developmental purpose
  • Attractive interest rates, long tenors and redemption-free periods for the recipient country
  • Soft Loans turn your supply contract into a cash business
  • Facilitates market entry for exporters
  • Financing of the entire project value
  • Risk cover and refinancing by OeKB

For more information and tailor-made financing solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us.









R-TechConcent Mgmt. Julia 

Purchase of Account Receivables

As an Austrian exporter, you sell capital goods to importers abroad. You grant your customer a medium to long-term payment term in the supply contract. You are selling the receivables to RBI. The transaction is secured by Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG.

Purchase of Account Receivables

As an Austrian exporter, you sell capital goods to importers abroad. You grant your customer a medium to long-term payment term in the supply contract. You are selling the receivables to RBI. The transaction is secured by Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG (OeKB).

Take advantage of the benefits of purchasing receivables:

  • Purchase of receivables turns your supply contract into a cash business
  • Risk cover by OeKB
  • Hedging of exchange rate risk for invoices in foreign currency possible

For more information and tailor-made financing solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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