Find your perfect short-term financing solution for the CEE region and benefit from our local expertise. Our factoring solutions are tailored to meet your needs and help you grow dynamically.
What It Is, And How Your Company Can Benefit From It
Factoring is a short-term financing solution that allows you to optimize your balance sheet and instant liquidity while minimizing credit risk. Streamline your financial needs for working capital when operating locally in CEE countries. RBI offers centrally managed yet locally delivered factoring services tailored to your specific needs.
Optimized Balance Sheet
Improve your rating and key financial figures with factoring, especially your equity ratio and working capital.
Instant Liquidity
Submit your clients’ invoices to RBI and receive an advance of 80-90% of the amount within hours.
Minimized Credit Risk
Factoring efficiently protects your company against losses resulting from bad debt by taking over the delcredere risk.
Rely On Our Profound Knowledge To Create Your Ideal Solution

Centrally Managed, Locally Delivered
Raiffeisen Factor Bank, our group-wide factoring competence center located in Vienna, is your one-stop shop for anything related to factoring solutions. With the help of our network banks in 12 CEE countries, we support our customers’ local operations on-site.
Factoring Types & Further Services
We offer multiple factoring types and services in different CEE countries. Click on the button below for more detailed information.
Recourse factoring is a financing arrangement where the seller retains the responsibility for any unpaid invoices, assuming the risk of buyer non-payment and providing recourse to the factor for reimbursement if needed.
Non-recourse factoring is a financing method where the factor assumes the risk of buyer non-payment, providing added security to the seller by absolving them of any liability for unpaid invoices.
Reverse factoring, also known as supply chain financing, allows suppliers to receive early payment for their invoices by leveraging the creditworthiness of a buyer or anchor company.
The web platform offers simplified procedures, easy access to resources, and advanced financial services, enabling efficient day-to-day business operations.

Raiffeisen Factor Bank Austria
Want to know more about factoring? Find detailed information on factoring and its benefits, how it works, different types and solutions, as well as an overview of our services on the Raiffeisen Factor Bank Austria website (available in German only).
Find Your Contact
Below you will find contact information for both local partners in different CEE countries and central CEE factoring coordination.
- CEE Factoring Coordination
- Local Partners
Contact our CEE factoring coordinator for anything related to factoring services in multiple countries.
Simon Peterman
CEE Factoring Coordination Manager