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A business professional sitting at a desk surrounded by financial documents, analyzing global data with a massive world map in the background.

The Future of Cash Management

How to process payments effectively? Are real-time payments the future? Get these and more questions answered in our white paper tackling cash management trends and challenges.

What to Look for in Digital Payment Services

A creative 3D illustration of a financial platform showcasing a book with a pie chart and a bar chart on a geometric background.

Your Payment Services Trend & Innovation Guide

  • Multiple tools, multiple countries: High connectivity is a game changer for group treasurers
  • It’s time for real-time: Why payment transparency is so crucial
  • Future challenges: Payment standards and regulations
  • Digital innovations to look out for

Innovative Banking Solutions to Boost Your Treasury

What are the main challenges for future-oriented treasury in both corporations and financial institutions? Build a solid foundation with efficient payment processing, easy payment status tracking and account information at your fingertips. Enhance your foundation with tailored connectivity and innovative premium APIs.

An illustration of an automated financial processing system with digital files, coins, and data charts on a structured background.

Reporting Services

Fast and transparent access to account and payment information: Intra-day statements, fee overviews, international payment flows, and more.

Reporting Services

Fast and transparent access to account and payment information for both corporate and institutional clients: Intraday statements, fee overviews, international payment flows, and more. 

Get the data you need, anytime and anywhere. Our solutions offer group-wide transparency.

Our top digital solutions

  • eBAM: Electronic Bank Account Management automates the opening, closing, and maintenance of bank accounts, enhancing efficiency and security for corporate account management.
  • Cash Management Billing Solution: Easy access to all your transaction and cash management fees.
  • RBI Group Payment Tracker: This tracking tool guarantees end-to-end transparency for international payments.

Other services

  • Intraday and end-of-day statements in SWIFT FIN and XML
  • PDF e-account statements
  • Return data carriers
  • Billing information
  • Payment status reports

Sign up for our white paper to receive more in-depth information, expert opinions, best practices, and more.

A 3D representation of the SEPA payment system, highlighting the European Union and transaction elements.

Payment Services​

We process payments quickly, transparently and reliably to and from CEE markets as well as globally. Welcome to our core business.

Payment Services​

We process payments quickly, transparently and reliably to and from CEE markets as well as globally. Welcome to our core business.

Why bank with us?

We cover the whole range, from domestic to cross-border payments, from Euro to exotic currencies, for financial players and companies worldwide.

  • SEPA payments and complementary products (credit transfer, instant payment, direct debit core and B2B)
  • International payments in Euro or 35 foreign currencies
  • Membership in all main European clearing systems
  • RBI Intra Group Payments within the Raiffeisen network in CEE
  • SWIFT gpi, the new standard in payments

Your clearing partner worldwide

RBI is a direct member of the following (pan-)European payment and clearing systems: PSA (Payment Service Austria), TARGET2/TIPS, EBA (EURO1, STEP1, STEP2, RT-1), SIX and SWIFT.

For domestic and foreign banks, we offer tailor-made clearing solutions like Euro Clearing, USD Clearing, RMB Clearing, In-house Clearing, Multi- and Exotic Currency Clearing, and more.

MultiCurrency Clearing Service
Revolutionize your FX payment business with streamlined MultiCurrency Clearing Services for institutional clients.

How it works:

  • The EUR clearing account at RBI serves as a multicurrency account for 28 currencies*.
  • Every business day at 7:30 a.m., we inform you via e-mail about the daily fixed exchange rate for all available currencies. 
  • The payment processing starts immediately after publication of the rates at 8:00 a.m. 
  • All incoming and outgoing foreign currency payments will be executed immediately with D+2 until 5:00 p.m. and converted to the pre-advised MultiCurrency rate.

Your benefits:

  • Streamlined and consolidated account management 
  • Cost reduction for admin and nostro accounts
  • Timely exchange rate availability
  • Same day processing
  • Transparent end-to-end processes at no extra cost

Know your rates before execution by getting all information in advance.

If you want to know more about this solution, our experts are happy to advise you. Send us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible!

*AED, ALL, AUD, BAM, BGN, CAD, CHF, CZK, DKK, GBP, HKD, HUF, INR (only for outgoing payments), JPY, KWD, MXN, NOK, NZD, PLN, QAR, RON, RSD, SAR, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, ZAR

Sign up for our white paper to receive more in-depth information, expert opinions, best practices, and more.

A conceptual display of modern banking technology, featuring a laptop, charts, and a mobile security shield.

Direct Connections​

Manage your finances in real-time, with the electronic connection of your choice: We offer EBICS, SWIFT, host-2-host, and Open APIs.

Direct Connections​

Manage your finances in real-time, with the electronic connection of your choice: We offer EBICS, SWIFT, host-2-host, and Open APIs.

Experience efficient and secure banking, directly from your system to ours. 

We support the following connections

  • EBICS H003, H004 and H005
  • SWIFT for Corporates
  • Host-2-host (e.g. SFTP, CONNECT:DIRECT)
  • Open API technology

Secure user verification of authorized signatories is guaranteed with the Corporate Seal process.

Sign up for our white paper to receive more in-depth information, expert opinions, best practices, and more.

Abstract depiction of the digital finance ecosystem with a cloud icon, gear, and interface elements on a metallic background.

Open APIs​

Access real-time data and fulfill your ever-evolving treasury needs in the digital era by using Open API technology for your cash management.

Open APIs​

Access real-time data and fulfill your ever-evolving treasury needs in the digital era by using Open API technology for your cash management.

Open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) provide opportunities across all domains of treasury services.

How you benefit from Open APIs

  • Gain seamless real-time access to account data
  • Trigger cash sweeps via your ERP
  • Direct and fast API payment integration
  • Make self-service changes in your preferred system
  • Enhanced collaboration through next-gen use cases

Our API solutions

We currently cover five countries (AT, KO, RS, HU, RO) and partner with the world’s leading fintech third-party providers like SAP MBC, FinanceKey and TIS to ensure innovation-driven banking for you.

Sign up for our white paper to receive more in-depth information, expert opinions, best practices, and more.

A laptop displaying account management options with a large key placed on a secure system, symbolizing advanced multi-banking security solutions.

CMIplus – Next-Gen Multi-Banking

With our new international cash management front-end application, enjoy state-of-the-art UI paired with a broad suite of corporate payment functionalities and dashboards. Integrate third-party banks and make your daily operations as efficient as possible.

CMIplus – Next-Gen Multi-Banking

With our new international cash management front-end application, enjoy state-of-the-art UI paired with a broad suite of corporate payment functionalities and dashboards. Integrate third-party banks and make your daily operations as efficient as possible.

The leading application in Austria
Get the perfect tool for your daily cash management operations: Modern business multi-banking with intuitive navigation increases efficiency in treasury sustainably. 

CMIplus will include the latest version of EBICS (3.0), the leading corporate multi-banking communication standard in Europe. EBICS provides a single, harmonized standard, aligning specialties and incompatibilities from different local payment specifics. Especially for Austria, this is a future-proven feature, as the local MultiBankStandard (“MBS”) will be decommissioned and exchanged by the latest EBICS version.

The leading application in CEE
CMIplus has a strong focus on consolidating cash management services from all RBI network banks in CEE. 

The plan is to implement the maximum multi-banking scope in the network banks within the next two years, so that group clients can consume those local services from the whole network via the unified payments hub in Vienna. This includes:

  • Real-time treasury: Real-time payments access across RBI Group, account information in and on-time notifications
  • One stop shop: Relevant functionalities for international customers offered on various channels
  • Extensive format coverage: All relevant payment and reporting formats supported for international customers
  • Customer empowerment: Self-services like Electronic Bank Account Management (eBAM), onboarding etc.
  • Data readiness: Leverage new technologies like GenAI to provide better services and insights

Sign up for our white paper to receive more in-depth information, expert opinions, best practices, and more.

Get Guidance for Your Institutions’ or Corporate Cash Management

Send us your inquiry and our dedicated experts will get back to you personally.

Payment Services Expert Insights

Access our full expert analyses on digital payment services and innovative banking solutions in our white paper. 

RBI customers appreciate our high service quality, modern multi-banking approach and extensive cash management expertise in local markets.

Both corporate customers and financial institutions rely on our extremely efficient payment routing. We have also increased speed and efficiency of our cross-border payments for our customers with SWIFT gpi.

Get Your Payment Processing Solutions Guide Now

Get the latest scoop on current and innovative developments in cash management like group-wide connectivity, real-time payments, payment transparency standards and more.

Discover tailored cash management solutions for tomorrow's treasury challenges with our efficient payment business strategies.
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