Claudia Dünisch
Co-Head Institutional Business International
Raiffeisen Capital Management* is an active asset manager operating in an environment of only partially efficient capital markets. Its core competencies are the management of bonds, European and emerging markets equities, as well as multi-asset solutions. Learn more about investment funds and customized investment solutions!
With a total volume under management of EUR 39.8 bn and a market share of 19.3% (as of the end of February/2023), Raiffeisen Capital Management is one of the leading fund management companies in Austria.
The fund company already manages more than half (EUR 20.6 billion) of the total volume according to ESG criteria. In these sustainable investments, specifically in the share of funds with the Austrian ecolabel for sustainable financial products, Raiffeisen KAG is clearly in the lead within the market at 40%.
This outstanding positioning is based on a clear commitment to high quality, sales strength, excellent customer service, and cooperation with outstanding partners. Raiffeisen Capital Management pursues an integrative approach to sustainability which, in addition to other aspects, primarily considers the three levels of "avoid", "support" and "influence". Responsible investing is and remains our mission.
Raiffeisen Capital Management pursues the goal of generating long-term added value for its customers. Portfolios are managed from Vienna for customers in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Core competencies are the management of bonds, European equities and emerging market equities as well as multi-asset solutions. As a company, Raiffeisen Capital Management applies the UN Principles for Responsible Investment and offers its investors numerous sustainable investment opportunities.
Raiffeisen Capital Management has been integrating sustainability into its corporate strategy for several years. Responsible investing means looking at the market from a different angle and not exclusively pursuing financial interests, but instead focusing on social and environmental perspectives. Sustainability is a sign of quality for companies and often goes hand in hand with a good credit rating as well as healthy corporate growth.
*Raiffeisen Capital Management is the umbrella brand of the companies Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage GmbH, Raiffeisen Immobilien Kapitalanlage GmbH and Raiffeisen Salzburg Invest GmbH.
Co-Head Institutional Business International
Head Institutional Business Austria
Co-Head Institutional Business International