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Advertisement: Hedge Your Risks

With our 30+ years of experience in Central Eastern Europe, we offer a clear understanding of the dynamic and volatile markets we serve as well as a proven capital markets expertise for corporates. Learn more about mitigating risks in our whitepaper.

Make hedging your CEE risks happen

The relationship bank for CEE business

We are established in the dynamic CEE region and have a vested interest in it. Our mission is to optimize the business performance of our coporate clients by delivering comprehensive, tailored solutions specific to each country. Additionally, we provide multinational, global offerings, ensuring a seamless integration of services across borders.

Make hedging your CEE risks happen

Risks and Chances

Hedging requires an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the derivatives and the accompanying regulatory and market risks. We recommend that you engage in hedging only after having received appropriate advice. Please reach out to our experts for further information.

Free guide to hedging in CEE

Sign up for our newsletter and get your copy today! Best practices, innovations and exclusive insights on hedging in CEE – for free!

Important Notice*

Be aware that any hedging involves derivatives, which are complex financial instruments and are not easy to understand. Investing in derivatives incurs the risk of a total loss of the invested capital and in certain circumstances may require the obligation to provide additional capital.

This information is therefore only addressed to professional clients and eligible counterparties under MiFID II.

Unless explicitly indicated otherwise, Raiffeisen Bank International AG does not provide investment advise and any information relating to hedging/derivatives must not be deemed to constitute a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any financial instruments. Raiffeisen Bank International AG does not provide tax or legal advice.

Information marked with * is required.
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